you ⇌ love

you and I had been intimately acquainted from the start, like new friends who immediately feel old and known by each other in past and future lifetimes.

dreamt in your language

conversations i felt to be real in my dreaming bones 

observed the world through your fragile lenses, tinted

composed pensive letters with thoughts of you held softly in the crevices of my sensitive palms.


concocted warmth

took me back to those flushed beach days

sat quietly with me in my darkened bedroom

hunched with your knees to your chest when I grew skeptical of you 

welcomed me back with forgiveness that had collected in your eyes 

when I returned 

to you like objects rush back 

to earth.

stumbling i’ve fallen into the orbit of your arms and

i’ve fallen out of them stumbling again 

believing I had to dismiss you to “find myself” 

that you only existed outside of me and inside my relations to others.

i’ve come to realize


you are not who everyone says you are 

rather you defy any definition, categorization, quantification thrown at you with the force of 

every human being who ever existed and 

the ever expanding entropy of our world 

no you, you calmly reside in the spaces

between and within 


and that is why 

it has always been you, and it always will be.

This poem was inspired by a writing exercise I did during a virtual workshop hosted by Rupi Kaur. We did a word map association,  in which you start with one word and write down any associated words that come to mind. Then, you write a poem about the word, without using the original word or any of the associations. It was a thoughtful challenge that pushed me to depart from clichés and from my own comfort zone of writing. For this poem, I chose ‘love’ as the original word, an oft written topic. I have definitely felt the repetition and stuckness of writing about something that has been written on many times over. Thus, this exercise helped me to write about something I think about often, but in a new way. Lastly, I hope you can feel the emotion of love I was trying to convey through this poem, a much needed feeling during these difficult times.