

Hello world! 

If you're reading this, then you've found your way to my blog! Which is a *big* thing for me because I haven't put myself out there like this before. I will definitely dance my heart out without a thought on a night out or laugh unabashedly at a joke that is maybe not that good because I find almost anything funny. But this is new, it feels closer, more intimate, and a little self-conscious. I'm starting this blog for a number of reasons, but my biggest reason is because I want to write. I need to write, and I want to bring something to others with my writing. Writing for you is my next step in pursuing a passion that I have known since I was a child. I don't know exactly where this will go. You'll probably be privy to poetry, random thoughts and perspectives, and stories I feel are important to tell. So take what you will from these posts, and know that it makes me smile to think about you somewhere reading these words I wrote for us. 


here's a moody picture of me in front of one of my favorite views in the world! 

here's a moody picture of me in front of one of my favorite views in the world!